Hall Life
Title: “7” success factors harnessed by a STEM student turned business leader
Jointly organized by Hornell Hall Students' Association and Hornell Hall Alumni Association
Date: September 21, 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Venue: KB223, 2/F, Knowles Building
Language: English
Danny Tong, Vice Chairman of Deloitte China, has been in the professional services field since 1990. Deloitte China provides integrated professional services, including audit & assurance, consulting, financial advisory, risk advisory, business advisory, and tax services. As a globally connected and deeply locally-rooted firm, Deloitte China has over 20,000 professionals across 30 Chinese cities. In his sharing, Danny will discuss:
• The most valuable learnings from his university and hall life that have contributed to his career development
• The varying needs and qualities required for success at different stages of his career
• The role and value of professional services in the business community and its development
• The competitive advantages of Hong Kong people in the China and Hong Kong markets
Danny aims to share his experiences in a way that will help students better prepare for the start and development of their future careers.
Mr. Danny TONG, Vice Chairman, Deloitte China
Danny Tong serves as the Vice Chairman of Deloitte China and is also the Managing Partner of the company's Financial Advisory in China. Additionally, he is an Exco Member of Deloitte China's management team. With over 30 years of experience in mergers and acquisitions across Asia, Danny has managed projects in various countries, including mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia. Between 2000 and 2002, he worked in Deloitte's Tokyo office, where he was responsible for handling cross-border investments and M&A transactions in Japan for their clients. Danny's expertise includes M&A and fundraising advisory, investment and deal structuring, due diligence, business valuations, debt restructuring, and other financial advisory work. He has extensive experience in the consumer industry, specifically in sectors such as automotive, F&B, FMCG, traditional and new retail, e-commerce, and logistics. In 1988/89, Danny held the position of Sports Secretary for the Hornell Hall Students' Association.
Moderator: Prof. S.C. WONG, Warden, Hornell Hall
Registration: https://forms.gle/fBfJUzSY5eCmTVLM8
For further information, please contact Mr. Jack Chen, Chairman of Hornell Hall Students' Association at <hornell@hku.hk> or 95733955.
ALL HKU students are welcome!
Career Forums
Hornell Hall organizes career forums for students from time to time, which aims to advise students' career planning ....