Hall Life
Title: Practising law in the post-COVID era
Jointly organized by Hornell Hall Students' Association, Hornell Hall Alumni Association, Government & Laws Committee, and BBA (Law) Committee
Date: September 18, 2020 (Friday)
Time: 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Mode: Zoom
Language: Cantonese
Moderator: Prof. S.C. WONG, Warden, Hornell Hall

Mr. Rico CHAN, Baker McKenzie Hong Kong Office
Rico Chan is a partner of Baker McKenzie Hong Kong Office. Baker McKenzie is one of the largest global law firms and has 78 offices in 46 jurisdictions worldwide. Rico's legal qualifications include: LLB (HKU 1988), PCLL (HKU 1989), Solicitor (HK, 1991) and LLM (Sun Yat-sen University, 1997). Rico joined Baker McKenzie Hong Kong Office in 1989 and also worked in the Beijing Office for four years. He currently heads up the China Real Estate Group, Asian Real Estate Group and the Greater Bay Area Developments.

Mr. Sidney HO, Messrs. Sit, Fung, Kwong & Shum
Sidney Ho was the Honorary Treasurer of the Hornell Hall Students’ Association in 2002/2003 and is currently the Honorary Secretary of the HKU Hornell Hall Alumni Association. He graduated from HKU with BBA(Laws) and LLB degrees. He was admitted as Solicitor of HKSAR in 2008 and is also an Accredited Mediator, Reverse Mortgage Counsellor and Civil Celebrant of Marriages. He is now a senior associate of Messrs. Sit, Fung, Kwong & Shum with a general practice including litigation, conveyancing and commercial matters.
Registration: https://forms.gle/ebzUrZsF31Vn9seC6
For further information, please contact Mr. William Ng, Chairman of Hornell Hall Students' Association at <hornell@hku.hk> or 5600-1083.
ALL HKU students are welcome!
Career Forums
Hornell Hall organizes career forums for students from time to time, which aims to advise students' career planning ....